Real Time funny man Bill Maher has had enough of the papal palooza. For the second week in a row he concluded his show by slamming Pope Francis, this time focusing his ire on the media's seemingly endless fascination with the new pope.
'I have just about had it with the press squealing in delight with everything the new pope does,' Maher said. 'He's a 76-year-old executive who just got a promotion. You act like he's a baby who just made a boom-boom.'
'There are over a billion Catholics - just on the back of my gardener's truck,' Maher sniped, to applause and a smattering of boos. 'So I get it that this is a legitimate news story. But can we at least stop saying that the job of pope is so hard?'
According to the Huffington Post, Maher then compared the Church to his own show.
'The Catholic Church has basically always done what we do here at Real Time. It's a bunch of guys sitting around making up new rules.'
Maher, who was raised Catholic but now speaks out strongly against the pernicious effects of all religions, makes his views known in the video clip below.
