Caroline Kennedy and her son Jack Schlossberg have launched a 'Profiles in Courage Award' to honor the heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Caroline Kennedy, JFK's daughter, and Jack Schlossberg, his grandson, made the announcement on the JFK Library Twitter account on Thursday. 

Kennedy's descendants usually mark Memorial Day Weekend with the Profile in Courage Award ceremony to honor politicians who put the country's interests ahead of their own, but that ceremony had to be canceled due to COVID-19. 

The Kennedys have launched a different kind of award ceremony in light of the canceled event. 

"During this unprecedented time, we want to honor frontline workers by presenting a special Profile in Courage Award to heroes of the COVID-19 crisis," the JFK Library said on Twitter. 

Read more: Caroline Kennedy’s son looks just like his uncle JFK Jr.

Schlossberg said that frontline workers were undertaking countless acts of courage every day during the pandemic to help save lives. 

"We can't get together this year, but we're still seeing courage all around us," he said in the video. 

The video invokes the spirit of JFK and includes a snippet from his famous inauguration speech when he urged Americans to "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." 

That attitude is particularly relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic and countless frontline heroes have gone above and beyond the call of duty to help their country through the difficult period. 

Caroline Kennedy said that the Kennedys launched the Profiles in Courage Award Ceremony to celebrate those heroes. 

"That's why we're creating a special Profiles in Courage Award to celebrate the heroes of the COVID crisis, but we need your help."

The mother and son duo want people to nominate frontline heroes risking everything to keep the American people safe. 

Caroline Kennedy concluded the short video by pledging to hold an award ceremony in the future when crowds are able to safely gather once more. 

"We look forward to celebrating these heroes at the JFK Library's Profile in Courage Award Ceremony when we can all get together in person.

"Thank you and we wish you and your families health and safety during these uncertain times."

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