A mixed up cat in County Offaly, about 70 miles from Dublin, has adopted three ducklings and is raising them as her own. In the process she has baffled animal experts.
RTE Radio’s “Mooney Gone Wild” show featured the cat, known as the White Cat, who went missing with the three ducklings after they were born. Ronan and Emma Lally who own the farm feared the worst, but the cat had other ideas rather than having a tasty lunch.
She began mothering them and has continued to do so along with her own kittens.
Cats and ducks are usually enemies in the animal kingdom but the cat and ducklings and kittens are all getting along fine.
Animal experts interviewed simply cannot believe it.
“We got some duck eggs from a local lady and put them under a broody hen,” Emma told the show.
“Three of the ducklings survived. But then they disappeared and Ronan blamed the cat.”
Later she was seen carrying one of the ducklings in her mouth to the safety of her litter. She has raised them since.
