Chelsea Clinton remembers what it was like to be the subject of a vicious personal attack by Rush Limbaugh. In her case, however, she was only 13 at the time.
Speaking during a panel discussion at the 92 Street YMCA in New York on Wednesday Clinton had been invited to participate among a larger group of women speaking about politics.
"Sandra Fluke and I have something in common,' Clinton said, in a report that ran in the Huffington Post. 'We both have been attacked by Rush Limbaugh. She was 30, I was 13.'
Limbaugh attacked her in 1993 during an episode of a television show he hosted at the time. 'Socks is the White House cat,' Limbaugh scoffed. 'But did you know there is also a White House dog?' and he held up a picture of the 13 year old Clinton.
At the time Limbaugh claimed there had been a technical error which resulted in him showing the wrong photo. Responding to a public outcry he eventually apologized for the incident, just as he did after the public rejected his decision to call Fluke a 'slut' and a 'prostitute' for her stance on birth control.
Also attending the 92 Street YMCA event, Fluke said she was concerned that Limbaugh's personal attacks on her would have a chilling effect.
'I was worried they would think, I should sit down and shut up, because if I speak out, this is what happens. I want women to see this as an empowering moment,' she said.
