An Garda Síochána has confirmed that earlier today, Tuesday, March 4, Gardaí attended an incident that occurred at a primary school in North Dublin involving two children.

Both children involved attend the school.

One male child has been taken to a hospital in Dublin with injuries that are believed to be non-life threatening.

It is understood that an implement was used to cause the injury suffered by the child.

Gardaí are in contact with the parents of both children.

An Garda Síochána added that it is currently liaising with school management and staff with a view to identifying the precise circumstances around the incident.

An Garda Síochána will continue to engage with all relevant State agencies regarding this incident.

There is no concern for public safety, An Garda Síochána added.

As per Ireland's Children Act of 2001, it is "conclusively presumed that no child under the age of 12 years is capable of committing an offence."

However, "there is a rebuttable presumption that a child who is not less than 12 but under 14 years of age is incapable of committing an offence because the child did not have the capacity to know that the act or omission concerned was wrong."