New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinnwas on MSNBC’s ‘Hardball with Chris Matthews’ on Tuesday night responding to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s comments regarding homosexuality.
While doing a press conference at Princeton University for his new book, Justice Scalia said, “If we cannot have moral feelings against homosexuality, can we have it against murder?”
Not surprisingly, many took Scalia’s comments as him equating homosexuality and murder. Scalia later said he was merely creating a parallel for the two.
“It’s offensive!” Quinn, an open lesbian, exclaimed on Hardball on Tuesday evening.
“Sexual orientation is who we are as people, it’s how we’re created if we’re the LGBT [community]. To compare that–even in a way you want to say was some philosophical exercise–to a heinous, horrible crime of murder? It’s just wrong.”
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“He can say it’s a slip of the tongue and that’s fine and we all have them; God knows I have. Just apologize. But don’t compare me to a murderer because I’m a lesbian. Just don’t do it. It’s wrong.”
“He wasn’t teaching a law class there, he was making a point, I believe, about what he actually thinks,” Quinn said.
The Supreme Court is due to hear two upcoming cases regarding gay marriage. Some have fears that the Justice’s personal views may interfere with the upholding of the Constitution. Quinn, however, says that the Supreme Court will “rise to the occasion.”
“The job of the Supreme Court when they’re going to take up this very important matter isn’t what they personally think about LGBT people, it is what the Constitution sets out as a framework for protecting the rights of Americans. That’s the question here and I believe the Supreme Court is going to rise to that occasion, as they have before, and look at those important issues. And really, the justice should apologize for what he said there.”
Check out Christine Quinn on ‘Hardball’ here
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