Amanda Holden was a nobody before Susan Boyle, another botoxed blond babe and semi- successful actress going nowhere fast.

Susan Boyle changed all that. Holden became part of the phenomenon when she was part of the judging panel for "Britain's Got Talent."

Holden landed on the Boyle  bandwagon and has ridden it to a prime shot on the CBS early morning show. She's hit the big time.

Susan's reward?

A vicious betrayal by Holden who lampooned Boyle on a seedy British show called 'Chatty Man;

Even the anti-Boyle tabloid The Sun thought that Holden had gone too far.

They called it " a cruel send up of fragile singing sensation Susan Boyle"

They noted that Holden donned a fuzzy wig, tatty gold dress and even facial hair to mimic Boyle.

Boyle fans all over the world are outraged at the betrayal.

And well they should be-- but they should not be surprised.

I notice Holden has now also used her Subo fame to sign up as a gossip columnist for the News of the World Newspaper.

That's the most anti-Boyle newspaper of all and the sleaziest of all the tabloid British rags -- and that is saying something.

It also tells you something about Holden who herself has made her share of tabloid headlines in her day.

The married Holden even may have made a move on Simon Cowell, according to "Britain’s Got Talent" host Stephen Mulhern who told a newspaper in May that that he was "stunned" to see Simon Cowell being kissed long and hard by Holden as the show broke up.

So Amanda might look the part of the demure English Rose but she sure isn't acting like it.

I'm sure Boyle is deeply hurt by Holden's latest attempt to propel herself into the headlines at Boyle's expense.

She shouldn't be. When you get to be as big a performer as Boyle you can always expect treachery from hangers on. Shakespeare noted that "friends who fall away /like water from ye /never found again" is one of the consequences of fame.

That is what Susan Boyle is no doubt experiencing. But they were never friends to begin with. When the Susan Boyle history is written, no doubt  Amanda Holden will be a mere footnote, a casual reference in a much larger playbook.

That is how it should be Amanda is grasping at her fifteen minutes of fame, Susan Boyle will be remembered as one of the biggest stories in British television history and certainly in You Tube lore.  

She deserves her place in the spotlight and the Amanda Holden betrayal will not change that