Pastoral News

Third Sunday of Advent

By Sr. Marguerite Kelly; Pastoral Associate
[email protected]
617-265-5300 Ext. 10

Rejoice! Today is Gaudete Sunday - which means Rejoice Sunday!

It is called Rejoice Sunday because the word is repeated many times today. We hear it in the opening Antiphon at Mass from Paul’s letter to the Philippines: “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say, rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near.”

Rejoice is also at the heart of today’s first reading from Isaiah.

I rejoice heartily in the LORD,

In my God is the joy of my soul;

For he has clothed me with a robe of salvation

And wrapped me in a mantle of justice

Today we are being offered this message as a gift. If we sit with it for a minute and ponder the words, it can be dizzying. We are invited to rejoice in a God who wants to be the “joy of our souls” and who has clothed us in salvation and wrapped us in a cloak of justice. What an amazing image to think that we have a God who loves us so deeply that he enfolds us in the very salvation we need.

Maureen McCann Waldron

Immigration News

Immigration Questions & Answers
By Kieran C. O’ Sullivan; Immigration Counselor
 [email protected]
Call: 617-265-5300 Ext. 16

Deferred Action FAQ’s

(1) What was the recent announcement on immigration relief for the undocumented?

Under President Obama’s plan, deferred action and employment authorization is granted to those undocumented parents if they: Have a continuous residence in the United States since January 1, 2010; Are the parents of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident born on or before November 20, 2014; and Are not an enforcement priority for removal from the United States, pursuant to the November 20, 2014, Policies for the Apprehension, Detention and Removal of Undocumented Immigrants Memorandum.

(2) If I apply for this, and get deferred action and a work permit for 3 years, what happens if it is not renewed, or if a new president terminates the program? Won’t they know where I am and could they come and detain me then?

I have worked in this fields for 18 years and have been involved in a number of immigration initiatives during that time. I have seen announcements of temporary protective status (TPS) for people from Montserrat and Haiti, following natural disasters. My colleagues here at the IPC put on a special workshop after Haitians were granted TPS. I was helped by immigration attorneys Chris Lavery, Dan Harrington and Manny Pires. We do not know of one immigrant picked up by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) after TPS programs expired simply because of the program’s expiration date. When TPS or deferred action expires, those on it are in no greater danger of being picked up then than the person who never applied for the program. Indeed, it has been longstanding policy at DHS not to use information provided in deferred action applications to initiate removal proceedings, unless the application reveals prior criminal activity. The ICE national policy at the moment is the removal of those who commit crimes or are a threat to national security.

(3) I’m here six years with a U.S. citizen child. If I remain undocumented, driving under my Irish license, am I better off not seeking this deferred action?

No. You are at greater risk driving here on an Irish license than if you applied for deferred action. If approved for deferred action, you can get your social security number and apply for a U.S. driver’s license. At least if you get a U.S. license, you are then properly registered and insured.

(4) I am eligible for deferred action, but I have not filed taxes for the past five years. If I do so, is it true I might have to pay a fortune in taxes?

We can refer you to a certified public accountant on this matter. I am not an expert in tax matters and this is the reason for the referral. For example, if because of your lack of immigration status you only worked part time and made about ten thousand dollars a year, I can’t imagine you owe a ‘fortune’ in taxes. Discuss these matters fully with an accountant who can advise you on your specific case. Immigration attorneys are urging people not to let the issue of tax filing prevent them from filing for deferred action. Attend our workshops for more information on these topics.

(5) Can I travel?

Based upon previous deferred actions, permission to travel on humanitarian parole was granted only after an application was filed for it and approved. Leaving the U.S. carries great risk if an individual does not consult an experienced immigration attorney. The undocumented Irish in the U.S. are invited to call our center to find out more information on their eligibility for the Deferred Action program.

We will have a free legal clinic at 6:30 PM in The Banshee, 934 Dorchester Ave, Dorchester, on Wednesday, December 17. Attorneys will be holding a presentation on the upcoming Deferred Action program and will also be present to answer questions on visas, legal residency cards and U.S. citizenship .

Disclaimer: Please note that the information contained in it is provided to inform generally, and is not intended as a substitute for individual advice. Immigration law is subject to frequent changes and individual circumstances can affect the application of certain legal provisions. For individual legal advice, please contact the Irish Pastoral Centre directly regarding upcoming legal clinics or consultation with an immigration attorney.

Senior Moments

By Audrey Larkin; Interim Senior Program Coordinator
By [email protected]
Call: 617-265-5300 Ext. 13


We have reached capacity and unfortunately cannot take any more reservations for the Monthly Mass & Social. This event is quite popular and we apologize in advance, however, fire regulations require us to cut off the numbers at 180. Please do not show up on the day if you know that your reservation had not been in on time.

Next Monthly Mass will take place on Thursday January 18th – RSVP: 822 479 2472

Cara Club

Despite the cold weather on Monday we had a very good turn-out at Cara Club in Brighton where everyone enjoyed hot tea and coffee and a variety of delicious baked goods. Entertainment was provided by volunteer Kevin O’Sullivan who showed a variety of videos including a special recording which was done in December last year at Cara Club where seniors were singing Christmas carols and festive songs. It was really lovely to see, with members taking great pleasure in seeing themselves on video and singing along and so, bringing out the festive spirit in everyone.

Café Eireann

We are delighted to welcome Mike Shields back to Café Eireann after a brief illness. Entertainment for the morning came from Gregory Ashe who got everyone singing along and also got the Christmas spirit going. Members were then put through their paces by Eileen Smith who held a gentle exercise class with her usual charm and humor. Eileen’s class and advice is very popular with the seniors, with comments such as “I really enjoyed that” and “when can we have Eileen back again?”