Senior Notes

Audrey Larkin; Interim Senior Program Coordinator

[email protected]

Call: 617-265-5300 Ext. 13


We had a very good attendance on Monday for the first Cara Club in 2015. Everyone enjoyed chatting and catching up on the latest news with each other whilst also enjoying plenty of baked goods. This was followed by volunteer Kevin O’Sullivan playing a video of Mayor Marty Walsh, when he visited the Veronica Smith Center before Christmas.

PLEASE NOTE: There will be no Cara Club on Monday January 19th, we will meet next on Monday January 26th for a trivia quiz with Neil Hurley.


The group at Café Eireann also enjoyed catching up with everyone after a long Christmas break. Everyone savored the freshly baked breads and cookies and had a very pleasant and relaxing couple of hours.


Our next monthly Mass and luncheon will be held on Thursday January 15 at ICCNE. Please make sure you have called the RSVP line to reserve your place. Please note this event operates on a first come first serve basis and we would ask that you do not show up at the ICCNE if you have no reserved a place. If you need to cancel, please do so by calling the RSVP line on 855-479-2472, to let us know so we can accommodate someone else.

Potential for Frozen Pipes and Extreme Wind Chill

The potential for burst pipes is high. Last winter, we saw an increase in the number of frozen pipe lines due to inadequate heating of buildings. Frozen and burst pipes often result in extensive and costly property damage, which in turn can drive up the cost of our insurance program. Please have maintenance personnel check your facilities today and take the following precautions to prevent property damage:

• Set the thermostats in the building to at least 68° F. Normally 55° F is sufficient, but during an extreme cold spell it is prudent to set the thermostat higher.

• Check the heating systems to ensure proper functioning.

• Check all faucets. Make sure water flows freely and no leaks are present. If you turn on a faucet and only a trickle comes out, this may be a sign of a frozen pipe.

• Open kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing.

• Be sure to know the location of all shut off valves; in the event a pipe bursts, you will need to stop the flow of water as soon as possible.

• If you haven't already done so, disconnect, remove and store outdoor hoses. Close all inside valves supplying outdoor hose bibs. Open the outside hose bibs to allow water to drain.

• If possible, schedule a maintenance check in the evening to be sure heating is functioning properly.

• For less frequented areas and unoccupied buildings, have custodial staff check heating and faucets two to three times a day to ensure there is no indication of frozen pipes. This is important as discovering a frozen line (no water flow) prior to the pipe thawing permits the opportunity to shut off the water before it leaks and may also provide an opportunity to thaw the pipe before the ice expands enough to split the pipe or fitting.

Treating Frozen Pipes:

• If you open a faucet and little to no water comes out, leave the faucet open, turn off the water at the main shut-off valve, and call a plumber.

• Never attempt to thaw a frozen pipe with an open flame. You may be able to thaw a frozen pipe with the warm air from a hair dryer. Start by warming the pipe closet to the faucet, working toward the coldest section of the pipe.

• If a water pipe bursts, completely open all faucets and turn off the water at the main shut-off valve. Call a plumber immediately.


 National Weather Service:

Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency:

Pastoral Notes

By: Sr. Marguerite Kelly; Pastoral Associate
617-265-5300 Ext. 10

Baptism of the Lord

This great feast of the Baptism of the Lord closes the Christmas Season and points us to the Season of Ordinary Time. We have been renewed in the story of the Incarnation of our God, who is now forever with us as a human being. And, now we move forward into Mark's Gospel to grow in our desire and ability to be more with him and like him, for others.

The approach of Jesus for Baptism by John is a revelation of who Jesus is. This was the original feast of the Epiphany - the original manifestation or revelation of his coming, his mission. Eventually, the visitation by the magi, in Luke's Gospel, became the first manifestation of our Savior to the Gentiles. But, for us today, in the midst of the many things going on in our lives, this day can reveal to us who Jesus is for us.

Jesus does not need John's baptism of repentance for sin. Jesus chooses this baptism to be one with us. He becomes immersed in our reality. We know a similar meaning to the word "immersed" when we think of being immersed in a book or a project. We give ourselves completely to it. We almost can't think of anything else. At times, when we are completely immersed, it is as if there is no other reality. Jesus is immersed in the waters of the Jordan, muddied by our sins. By walking into that water, filled with all that was washed off of us, Jesus enacts his acceptance of his identity and mission.

But, I can witness his becoming one with me, in the Nativity and in this Baptism, and not let myself be touched by it. Even when I remember that I have been Baptized into Jesus, I don't always feel immersed in him. I am so pre-occupied with, so immersed in so many other things, other dramas.

Today can be a day on which we can ask for and receive the gift of a renewed co-immersion, a renewed communion with Jesus. And, today we can feel it. Jesus promised to make his home in us so that we can make our home in him.

Immigration news

Kieran C. O’ Sullivan; Immigration Counselor
Call: 617-265-5300 Ext. 16

Deferred Action for undocumented parents

We’re still taking some calls each week on deferred action for undocumented parents. As of Jan. 6th, we’re still awaiting further guidance from USCIS on the application process, but once established we will publish it here.

Under President Obama’s plan, deferred action and employment authorization is granted to those undocumented parents if they:

Have continuous residence in the United States since January 1, 2010;

Are the parents of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident born on or before November 20, 2014; and

Are not an enforcement priority for removal from the United States, pursuant to the November 20, 2014, Policies for the Apprehension, Detention and Removal of Undocumented Immigrants Memorandum.

Tax returns

With regard to taxes and deferred action, attorneys suggest the administration is looking primarily at this year and the years ahead. Once an undocumented parent gets an employment authorization card and valid social security number after being granted deferred action, he/she can begin filing these tax returns. We can refer you to a certified public accountant on tax related matters.


Once again over the holiday period we had a call from an undocumented person who has been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. Assistance is ongoing in this case. These situations can be very serious for persons who lack immigration status. Despite President Obama’s announcement in November with regard to immigration policy matters, an undocumented person who comes to the attention of Immigration and Customs Enforcement following an arrest remains at great risk. Anyone with a question on these matters can call or email us for more information.

Prison Visitation

We want to remind readers that part of our mission is the welfare of Irish prisoners incarcerated in U.S. prisons. If you know of any immigration detainee or long term prisoner who would like a visit from our chaplain or volunteers, give us a call.

Marriage cases

We continue to deal with questions on marriage related immigration filings each month and at our free legal clinics. Immigrants applying for legal permanent residency status after marriage to a U.S citizen should have an attorney review the paperwork before filing it with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service. This free service is available at our monthly clinic, and our next clinic will be on Tuesday Feb. 3rd, 2015 in The Banshee Bar on Dorchester Ave, beginning at 6:30 PM.

Deferred Action and Immigration Clinic Feb. 3, 2015.

Our next clinic will be on Feb. 3 at The Banshee, 934 Dorchester Ave. beginning at 6:30 PM. We will have handouts with information on deferred action and attorneys will see people one to one for private confidential consultations.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information contained in it is provided to inform generally, and is not intended as a substitute for individual advice. Immigration law is subject to frequent changes and individual circumstances can affect the application of certain legal provisions. For individual legal advice, please contact the Irish Pastoral Centre directly regarding upcoming legal clinics or consultation with an immigration attorney.