Senior News

By Audrey Larkin; Interim Senior Program Coordinator

[email protected]

Call: 617-265-5300 Ext. 13

Cara Club

On Monday, at Cara Club, Samantha from FriendshipWorks came by to inform the group of all the services provided by the program and also answered some interesting questions. Our thanks to Samantha for taking the time to do this presentation, we are very grateful. Kevin O’Sullivan then amused everyone by telling several humorous stories and jokes. The afternoon finished up with our usual suspects taking turns singing.

Café Eireann

At Café Eireann on Wednesday we enjoyed freshly baked breads and plenty of chat. Susan Doody from Irish Senior Connect spoke to the group about the program which is a listening line and information service for seniors. The group was totally engrossed by the presentation which John Maguire then gave on Irish and American history. We would like to thank John for taking the time in visiting us here and at Cara Club previously with the presentation.

November Mass at ICCNE

We had the pleasure of having Fr. Dominic Meehan – former seminarian at the IPC, who is on a visit from Ireland; Fr. Dominic celebrated Mass at our Monthly Mass & Luncheon. He was warmly welcomed back to Boston by several of the people who met him on before.

Our next monthly Mass and luncheon at ICCNE will be held on Thursday, December 18th. Please call the RSVP line as soon as possible to reserve your place. Tel: 855-479-2472.

Immigration News

By Kieran C. O’ Sullivan; Immigration Counselor

[email protected]

Call: 617-265-5300 Ext. 16

One of my calls this week was from a young lady who hoped to file legal permanent residency based upon her recent marriage to a U.S. citizen. She entered the U.S. eight years ago, and in order to file for legal permanent residency status, she has to prove she was inspected on entry. The forms she reviewed as part of the application requested her I-94 number. A Form I-94 arrival and departure card or I-94 card is attached to the passports of non U.S. citizens at ports of entry. It helps USCIS record the entry and exit to and from the USA of all non-U.S. citizens. Chris Lavery, immigration attorney pointed out that more recent entrants can now get the card online through the Customs Border Protection website.

The automated I-94 Arrival Card looks a bit similar to an airline boarding pass. It contains Advance Passenger Information System information, which includes passport and flight information provided at passenger check-in. It is usually stapled to the immigrant’s passport.

My caller no longer has her I-94 card so her application for LPR status is now delayed. If a copy of Form I-94 cannot be produced because the form has been lost, and you need to prove inspection, you must file Form I-102, the application for replacement of a lost or missing Form I-94, along with a filing fee. The address to which you send the form is on the Form I-102. Photocopy everything for your own records, and send it certified mail return receipt requested.

The following points, while not covering the entire Form I-102, are useful to remember when you are completing it.

Name The name listed here should match the immigrant’s name as listed on the passport and initial I-94.

Date of Last Admission into U.S. The immigrant's date of last arrival in the United States is important because this date will be placed on the I-94 issued as a replacement.

Filing with another petition or application In this particular case described above, the Form I-102 is not filed with any other forms.

Class and place of admission This information need only be supplied if the I-94 card or a copy is not attached to Form I-102. The "Class of Admission" will usually be the same classification entered under "Current Nonimmigrant Status.” The "Place of Admission" refers to the port of entry at which the applicant requested admission into the United States before an immigration inspector, which may or may not be in the United States.

December Legal Clinic

We will be having a legal clinic on December 2nd, at 6:30 PM in The Banshee, 934 Dorchester Avenue. Immigrants get to have a free one to one confidential consultation with experienced attorneys at our clinics. Meantime email me with any questions on immigration and citizenship related topics.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information contained in it is provided to inform generally, and is not intended as a substitute for individual advice. Immigration law is subject to frequent changes and individual circumstances can affect the application of certain legal provisions. For individual legal advice, please contact the Irish Pastoral Centre directly regarding upcoming legal clinics or consultation with an immigration attorney.

Immigration Reform

The Irish Pastoral Centre welcomes the indications that President Obama intends fulfilling his promise to grant relief to undocumented immigrants currently residing in the U.S. At the time of printing, reports in the media indicate positive news on an executive action by President Obama. Among the main elements are the following areas of relief for the undocumented:

An executive action that proposes to allow many parents of children who are U.S. citizens or legal residents to obtain legal work documents and no longer worry about being discovered, separated from their families and sent away.

The White House is also reported to be considering a stricter policy that would limit the benefits to people who have lived in the country for at least 10 years, or about 2.5 million people. Some reports have also indicated the relief being granted for those here at least 5 years.

Extending protections to more undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children, and to their parents, could affect an additional 1 million or more if they are included in the final plan that the president announces.

The IPC is concerned that some Irish immigrants will fall prey to scam artists in the months ahead. It is not unusual for criminals to think up of ways to exploit the undocumented by posing as immigration service providers. We also see online scams urging people to “register for the amnesty” by paying a fee. We remind immigrants to beware of scams and to contact an Irish center in the U.S. before proceeding with any kind of immigration benefits application.


We are pleased to announce that lifelong parishioner Mary O'Rourke is the selected recipient of the Bishop Cheverus Medal in recognition of exemplary service given in the name of the Lord. Mary, like Bishop Cheverus, responded to the call to service. She is a dedicated and committed volunteer for the Parish of Saint Brendan. Thank you Mary for all you do - we are blessed to have you among us! If anyone is interested in attending the ceremony at the Solemn Vespers Service of Evening Prayer on Sunday, November 23rd at 3:00 PM at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, please let Mary know or call the parish office by 11/14/14 and leave your name and phone number.

Pastoral Notes

By Sr. Marguerite Kelly; Pastoral Associate

[email protected]

617-265-5300 Ext. 10

Praying Ordinary Time

To fear, or not to fear – that is the question. Or so it can seem after an initial glance at today’s readings. The responsorial psalm proclaims, “Blessed are those who fear the Lord.” Such fear is obviously a positive thing. But in the gospel reading, the third servant “out of fear” hides the gift entrusted to him. And because he does so, he is severely reprimanded by his master. In this case, fear leads to the servant losing everything. It is obviously something negative.

How do we make sense of this tension?

A key to understanding Matthew’s version of the parable of the talents is to pay careful attention to what is said about the “master” who represents Jesus, the glorious Son of Man. During the time of the master’s journey- that is between Jesus’ ascension and second coming- he entrusts his servants with gifts. That act of entrustment extends to us, his disciples. Indeed, the master is extravagantly generous in his bestowal. Notice, too, that he is discerning, for he calibrates gifts according to capacities and ability (that he knows each one of us, his servants, intimately). A further detail is that the master gives his servants freedom, encouraging them to use their creativity and industry in making use of the gifts he bestows. Moving ahead to the reckoning of accounts, observe that he takes great delight in his servants’ success. He wants to extend to them – to us- the fullness of life and joy in his presence.

Creighton U. Daily Reflections Tom Stegman, S.J.