With Eugene O'Neill's classic Long Day's Journey into Night as a backdrop, The Second Girl is set in the downstairs world of the Tyrone family kitchen in August 1912. Two Irish immigrant servant girls and the chauffeur search for love, success, and a sense of belonging in their new world in this lyrical and poignant world premiere by Huntington Playwriting Fellow Ronan Noone (Brendan, The Atheist) and directed by Campbell Scott (The Atheist).
The Second Girl is the recipient of an Edgerton Foundation New American Play Award. The play is currently running at South End / Calderwood, Pavilion at the BCA until February 21.
The Irish Emigrant has partnered up with Huntington Theatre and is please to announce that we have two tickets to giveaway to this critically acclaimed play.
For a chance to win, keep an eye out this week on our Facebook page/The Irish Emigrant where the details on how to enter will be posted.
Tickets on sale at: www.huntingtontheatre.org with tickets only $55 with special promo code: Irish