The Sligo Association of Boston have announced that their Scholarship dance will be held at the Irish Social Club, 119 Park Street, West Roxbury, MA on November 22,2014.
Each year the Sligo Association offers scholarships to the children and grand-children of members. Applicants must be less than 26 years of age and must be attending an accredited college, university, vocational, technical or business school. Attendance must be certified by the sponsoring member prior to granting of award.
The Sligo Association is offering three $1000 scholarships to help deserving students in 2014.
Application forms are available from the Sligo Association Scholarship Committee or from the following officers: Kathleen Sullivan, 127 Vince Rock Street, Dedham, MA 02026 or Diane Colleary, 5 Anchorage Drive, Wareham, MA, 02571
Scholarships will be presented at the annual dance and the association requires that applicants and/or sponsors be present and check in with scholarship committee the night of the event.
Music will be provided by Denis Curtin's band and dancing will be from 8:00pm-12.00am. Admission to the dance is $10.00 and coffee and tea along with various types of pastries will be available free of charge. A full service bar is available for your favorite drink.The Sligo club welcomes all and look forward to a fun evening of dancing.