Conor McGregor's boss is planning to go a long way to help rehabilitate his public image. Controversial UFC President Dana White had joined a slew celebrities who are showing their support for Keaton Jones. Jones, a Tennessee middle school student, went viral after his mother posted a video showing her son tearfully talking about the bullying he received. Jones spoke, through tears, about bullies pouring milk over him and putting ham in his clothes.

White took to Twitter as the video spread across the Internet. He tweeted, "Meet Keaton Jones a very smart little boy who is being bullied at school. This video is heartbreaking!! I want to bring Keaton to Vegas and hang out at UFC Headquarters. If anyone knows how I can reach out to his family please let me know. Thank u everyone."  

Read More: Conor McGregor plans to steal title of highest paid athlete from Cristiano Ronaldo

Kimberly Jones' video have been viewed nearly 20 million times on Facebook. She wrote in the caption accompanying the video, "For the record, Keaton asked to do this AFTER he had he me pick him up AGAIN because he was afraid to go to lunch. My kids are by no stretch perfect, & at home, he’s as all boy as they come, but by all accounts he’s good at school. Talk to your kids. I’ve even had friends of mine tell me they’re kids were only nice to him to get him to mess with people. We all know how it feels to want to belong, but only a select few know how it really feels not to belong anywhere."

Although White often comes across as a tough talking, Donald Trump supporting fight promoter, he clearly has an issue with bullying. In 2011, White was interviewed on Canadian television to talk about his belief that Mixed Martial Arts was a great way to deter bullies and muggers. During the interview, White tells a specific story about a mugger who picked on the wrong victim. 

Meanwhile, White has been up in McGregor's business after rumors surfaced that the Notorious MMA was plotting a fight with Manny Pacquiao. In an interview with AFP about the possibility of fighting McGregor, Pacquiao said, "If we can negotiate it, I have no problem. It is okay with both of us." The Filipino fighter added that he has reached out to McGregor but hadn't heard anything back.

White did not take this revelation well telling ESPN's Brett Okamoto, "That would be weird, because [McGregor] is under contract with us. If that's true, I'll be suing Manny Pacquiao and whoever's representing him." 

Read More: Conor McGregor “represents all that’s wrong about society”

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