One of Ireland's richest men and descendant of Arthur Guinness, Desmond Walter Guinness' will was a mystery following his death but now his massive estate and final wishes have been revealed.

The great-great-great-great grandson of the brewery founder, Arthur Guinness, passed away in 2020 aged 88. In January 2024, documents emerged at Dublin's Probate Office that seemed to show that Desmond Guinness had not left a will. 

However, according to reports in the Sunday Independent this week, Guinness created a will in 2011 leaving behind an estate worth €26.5 million. This figure is double the previous estimates. 

His will names his wife, Penelope, his son, Patrick, and his daughter, Marina as the primary beneficiaries and executors of the will. The estate includes property, personal items, and funds for family members, friends, and long-time employees. His wife will inherit Leixslip Castle in north County Kildare which dates back to 1172, including the castle's contents and surrounding lands.

The Sunday Independent quotes Guinness's will. To his wife, he wrote, "I give and devise and bequeath to her Leixlip Castle, together with the contents thereof, and the lands of Leixlip Demesne on the Castle (north) side of the M4 Motorway, comprising approximately of 75 acres, with two lodges and a garden cottage, stable and farmyard for her life or for as long as she wishes to reside there.”

He says she “shall be entitled to sell or dispose of any of the contents of the castle during her tenure”. However, he states that “the large tapestry by Le Brun entitled Plenty shall not be sold and shall remain in situ.”

Leixlip Castle, Kildare.

Leixlip Castle, Kildare.

After Penelope's death, or beforehand if she so wishes, the castle will fall to their son, Patrick. Guinness also left sums of money and gifts to friends and employees associated with Leixlip Castle.

He left Glebe House, contents and garden with hall and stables and his leasehold interest in a flat on King’s Road and half his share of a property on Blenheim Crescent, in London, to his wife Penelope.

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Who was Desmond Walter Guinness? 

Desmond Walter Guinness was an Irish conservationist, author, and architectural historian known for his significant contributions to preserving Ireland's historic buildings and cultural heritage.

Born on September 8, 1931, to the Guinness brewing family, he was the second son of Lord Moyne.

In 1958, Guinness co-founded the Irish Georgian Society with his first wife, Mariga Guinness. The society played a crucial role in the conservation and restoration of many Georgian buildings across Ireland, which were in danger of being demolished or falling into disrepair. Guinness' passion for architecture and history was evident in his tireless work to protect these structures, advocating for their cultural and historical importance.

Aside from his conservation efforts, Desmond Walter Guinness was also an accomplished author, having written several books on Irish architecture and heritage. He passed away on August 20, 2020, leaving behind a legacy of dedication to preserving Ireland's architectural history.