The annual St. Patrick's Day Parade in Dublin, Ohio is set to go ahead on March 13, 2021, but it's going to look a little different this year.
Organizers said in a statement on January 8: “For the health and safety of all involved, the 2021 Greenest Grandest Parade will be a reverse parade held at Darree Fields Park from 11 am to 1 pm.
“For the health and safety of all involved, the 2021 Greenest Grandest Parade will be a reverse parade held at Darree Fields Park from 11 am to 1 pm.
“For the health and safety of all involved, the 2021 Greenest Grandest Parade will be a reverse parade held at Darree Fields Park from 11 am to 1 pm.
“A reverse parade is a creative way to hold a physically distanced celebration. In a reverse parade, the parade participants are stationary.
“Rather than large groups of spectators gathering along Frantz Road, Bridge Street, and High Street, they will drive through the parade at Darree Fields Park and remain safely in their vehicles.
“The parade will celebrate Irish spirit with bagpipers, Irish dancers, floats, helium balloons, and other creative performances in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day.”

The route for the Dublin, Ohio "Reverse" St. Patrick's Day Parade.
Organizers noted that Jill Kranstuber, who was selected to serve as the 2020 Grand Leprechaun, will serve as this year’s Grand Leprechaun. The 2020 Dublin, Ohio St. Patrick's Day Parade was canceled on March 10 in light of the pandemic.
It's no doubt that Dublin, Ohio - where "Irish is an attitude" - is proud to share its name with Ireland's capital city.
In addition to the reverse St. Patrick’s Day Parade, the city of Dublin is encouraging people to visit its “Irish Approved Bussiness” which "offer Irish-inspired products and services year-round."
The city also hosts two year-round events, a Celtic Cocktail Trail and an Irish Fairy Door Trail - that residents and visitors can participate in.
The Dublin, Ohio Irish Festival, which went virtual in 2020, is currently planned to be hosted August 6 - 8 this year.
Attendees, who are required to wear masks, are urged to keep six feet of social distance, wash hands frequently, and stay at home if they feel unwell.