November 23,

All nine people arrested on Tuesday, July 23 in relation to the Dublin riot that occurred on November 23 last year have now been charged.

An Garda Síochána announced on Tuesday that nine people had been arrested following ten separate searches across Dublin City and four had subsequently been charged.

The searches were in connection with the ongoing investigations into the serious public order events that took place in Dublin City Center on November 23, 2023.

The remaining five people who were arrested on Tuesday have now also been charged, Gardaí announced early on Wednesday. 

The five men appeared before the Criminal Courts of Justice on Wednesday morning.

The five men charged on Wednesday are Thomas Fox, 21, with an address at Kinlay House Hostel in Dublin, Corey Gaynor, 23, from Margaret Kennedy Road in Dublin, Gavin Hudson, 27, from Summerhill Place, Gavin Murphy, 44, from Oriel Hall, and Jamie Robinson, 24, from Windmill Avenue in Crumlin.

According to RTÉ News, Fox is facing six charges - theft from Foot Locker, violent disorder at Burgh Quay, criminal damage to a Dublin Bus on O'Connell Bridge on November 23, and unlawful possession of cocaine and cannabis at his hostel yesterday for sale or supply.

He is reportedly expected to make bail application later on Wednesday.

Gaynor has been charged with five offenses - stealing from Arnotts on Henry Street and from Spar and the Guud Day Café, both on O'Connell Street, as well as rioting on November 23 and possession of stolen property.

Gardaí said they would object to bail for Gaynor; he was remanded in custody after no bail application was made.

Hudson is accused of stealing from Foot Locker and Lifestyle Sports on Mary Street, and possession of stolen property.

The court was told that Hudson was extremely sick and had not had his medication for two days. Judge Monika Leech said he would require medical attention and granted him bail on condition he sign on daily and stay away from Henry Street and Mary Street.

Murphy is charged with theft from Foot Locker on O'Connell Street. He was granted bail with conditions.

Robinson is accused of stealing from the Gala Shop on Lower Abbey Street, and possession of stolen property. Robinson was also granted bail on conditions, as well as a curfew.

Murphy and Robinson are due to appear in court again in October.

November 24, 2023: Broken window and damage to Foot Locker on O'Connell Street the day after a public disorder in the City. (

Yesterday, RTÉ News reported that the four people who were charged on Tuesday are William Cawley, 51, of no fixed abode, Natasha Rice, 38, also of no fixed abode, Josh Tidy, 19, of Pim Street in Dublin, and Neil Mulvaney, 44, of St. Stephen’s Green Hostel in Dublin.

Cawley, Rice, Tidy, and Mulvaney have been charged with entering Foot Locker as a trespasser on November 23 and committing theft.

They were each granted bail on a number of conditions, including that they sign on three times a week at a garda station, stay out of O'Connell Street and Dublin 1 and either reside at the address on the charge sheet, or notify gardaí of where they are living and any change of address.

Rice and Cawley have been permitted to enter the Dublin 1 area but only on Mondays between 9 am and 12 pm to collect their social welfare.

November 24, 2023: Damage to Foot Locker on O'Connell Street after riots the night before. (

Tuesday's arrests - the sixth supplementary arrest linked to the investigation - bring the number of arrests in the ongoing investigation to 49.

On November 24, the day after the "public order incidents and violent disorder," An Garda Síochána confirmed that seven vehicles were damaged by fire, including three buses, three garda patrol cars, and one Luas tram.

Eight other garda vehicles were extensively damaged.

13 properties were attacked and substantially damaged.

A number of members of An Garda Síochána were injured, including one who was seriously injured and received treatment in hospital.

34 people were initially arrested.

November 23, 2023: Scenes from the Dublin riot. (

The riot was preceded earlier in the day by a serious assault in Dublin's Parnell Square East near Gaelscoil Choláiste Mhuire which saw three young children and their caregiver hospitalized.

Two of the children were released from the hospital soon after, while the caregiver received treatment for a longer period.

The third child, a girl, remains hospitalized; her family said on July 18 that their "little warrior has been doing well and there is talk of a discharge before Autumn."

Riad Bouchaker, who was also hospitalized, was arrested later in December. He has been charged with the attempted murder of two female children and one male child; assault causing serious harm to a female childcare worker; and three counts of assault causing harm to the three children and was additionally charged with one count of possession or production of a 36cm kitchen knife.