The St. Patrick’s Day committee in Dundalk, County Louth has announced that the next year's parade won't go ahead in the town.
The decision to cancel the 2022 St. Patrick's Day parade in Dundalk marks the third year that the celebrations have been called off, with 2020 and 2021 parades both being impacted by the Covid pandemic.
The committee, which is made up of local public representatives, business representatives, and volunteers, made the decision following an online meeting last week.
In a statement, Chairperson of the Dundalk St. Patrick’s Day committee, Cllr. Conor Keelan, said the members had “weighed everything up" and had “come to the decision very reluctantly.”
“We had met earlier in the autumn when the Covid 19 numbers were stabilizing and when everyone was planning outdoor events. We were discussing the details for the parade in 2022.
"However, over the last few weeks, it has become clear that we are in a very precarious position when it comes to Covid 19, particularly with the expected surge of Omicron.
“As people know, the St. Patrick’s Day parade doesn’t happen overnight and it takes months of planning. One of the key elements of it, which makes it possible, is funding from businesses and corporations.”
“We were not in a position to go to businesses and ask them for sponsorship for a parade that may not take place. We cannot run the risk of the parade not happening.”
“We have seen this week how quickly things can change; how quickly restrictions can be put in place. It was weighing up these realities that made us come to this disappointing decision.”
However, the committee added they are "actively working on putting together something online that will exceed 2021’s offering."
This year following the cancellation of the 2021 parade, St. Patrick's Day Dundalk released a hugely popular video starring actor Alvaro Lucchesi vividly storytelling a typical St. Patrick's Day as he wanders the empty streets of the town.
Watch back on "This Is Dundalk. St. Patrick's Day Dundalk 2021" here:

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