On Sunday Pope Francis celebrated his first Palm Sunday Mass as pope, telling the young people in the crowd to reflect on the limits of material wealth
Straying from his prepared text, the pope offered a personal aside when discussing the sin of greed, adding that money is something 'no one can bring with him. My grandmother would say to us children, 'No shroud has pockets.'
For 28 years Palm Sunday has also been World Youth Day, the pope noted, telling the young people in the congregation that 'you bring us the joy of faith, and you tell us that we must live the faith with a young heart, always, even at the age of 70 or 80.'
Pope Francis also announced that he would attend the July 2013 World Youth Day celebrations in Rio de Janeiro, saying, 'I will see you in that great city in Brazil.'
According to Todays Catholic News his announcement drew applause from the crowd in the square and the avenue beyond.
In a move that some observers call striking departure Pope Francis has mentioned the devil with much more frequency than his predecessor Pope Benedict, who he said comes to discourage believers in times of trouble, 'often disguised as an angel who insidiously tells us his word. Do not listen to him.'
Maria Emilia Marega, a young Brazilian lay missionary from the Shalom Community, was excited by the pope's Palm Sunday Mass.
'I think, not just in Brazil, but for all of us, what Pope Francis spoke about on Palm Sunday is really important. He said 'my grandmother used to say burial shrouds don’t have pockets.' That’s a very good point, because our generation, the youth, we are growing up aiming to be rich, aiming to be successful. We have to find something else and I think the Pope can bring us this message,' Marega told Vatican Radio.
'When he started talking we could really feel that he was talking to the young people, when he spoke about the joy, the Cross and the youth. Everybody was writing notes and asking others if they had understood because he spoke in Italian but it was a big group from all over the world. But he was talking to us and he was saying don’t be sad, and this is something we as young people can do in our lives, and bring to others,' Marega added.
