September 4, 2024: Taoiseach Simon Harris with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine.@ZelenskyyUa, X

Ireland's Taoiseach and Tánaiste announced a new package of support for Ukraine and its neighbors today, Wednesday, September 4.

The €36 million package from Ireland will provide "essential humanitarian assistance, support rehabilitation and eventual reconstruction, and contribute to Ukraine's longer-term goals, including peace, stability, and political aspirations," Ireland's Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said on Wednesday.

A breakdown of the funding shows that UNHCR, UN OCHA, and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) will each receive €5 million.

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the World Bank IDA Crisis Facility Special Programme for Ukraine and Moldova, and the Lithuanian Central Project Management Agency will each receive €3 million.

€2 million in funding has been earmarked for UNICEF, the IMF Ukraine Capacity Development Fund, and Moldova.

The WHO Ukraine Health Appeal is set to receive €1.5 million, and €1.115 million will go to Peace and Stability Funding.

The support package builds on the political, humanitarian, military, and economic support provided since February 2022.

The new Irish support package was announced as Taoiseach Simon Harris is in Kyiv for a bilateral meeting with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Regarding the support package, the Taoiseach said on Wednesday: “Two and a half years on from Russia’s full-scale invasion, Ukraine continues to face immense challenges.

"We have seen the remarkable resilience shown by the people of Ukraine in the face of these challenges.

"That same determination and resolve will be needed to rebuild their country, with support from international partners, including Ireland.

"We have been unequivocal and steadfast in our support for the people of Ukraine and this additional funding continues to demonstrate that commitment.

“At the Summit on Peace in Ukraine, I committed Ireland’s support for the re-integration of children forcibly deported to Russia and now returned. This package includes €2m to support this goal in partnership with UNICEF.”

During an address in Kyiv on Wednesday, the Taoiseach said in part: "I wanted to be here today to say very clearly that Ireland will always stand with Ukraine, that Europe will always stand with Ukraine, and that both Ireland and the European Union will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes."

The Taoiseach added: "Ireland will never allow the war on Ukraine, the brutal Russian aggression, we will never allow that to fade into the background, we will never allow that to become normalized."

Meanwhile, Ireland's Tánaiste, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Defence, Micheál Martin TD said: “This package of €36 million will provide much-needed humanitarian support and development assistance to people suffering the impact of this unjust war.

"Recognizing the particularly horrific impact of the war on women and children, Ireland’s assistance in 2024 prioritizes prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence, support for maternity services, and rebuilding of homes for people forced to flee conflict and now living in collective centres.

“This latest funding announcement will bring Ireland’s total funding to Ukraine since February 2022 to over €380 million, including approximately €130 million in stabilization and humanitarian supports.

"Our support for Ukraine is unwavering. Ireland will continue to stand with the people of Ukraine for as long as necessary.”

President Zelenskyy said on Wednesday that Ukraine is "grateful" for Ireland's
"solidarity with our people and unwavering support."