Met Éireann said today, June 30, that provisional data suggests that June 2023 will be the warmest June on record for Ireland, on both land and at sea.

June 2023 will break the previous warmest June, which occurred 83 years ago in 1940. 

It is also expected that the June average for 2023 will be above 16°C (60.8°F) for the first time for June. This average value has been observed occasionally in July and August. 

Met Éireann said that 23 of 25 of its primary weather stations have had their warmest June on record.

The Marine area is experiencing unusually warm temperatures also, with the warmest June sea surface temperature on record here also. 

June’s highest air temperature was 28.8°C (83.8°F)and was reported at Oak Park, Co Carlow (10.5°C [50.9°F] from its LTA) on Tuesday, June 13. For the first time in Ireland’s climate record, temperature at or above this value has been observed for the third consecutive year in any month and at any station. 

June 2023 will be warmest June on record for Ireland, on both Land and at Sea. Surpassing the previous warmest June of 1940 by over half of a degree with an average temperature of >16°C for the first time in June?️? See more here -

— Climate Services @ Met Éireann (@METclimate) June 30, 2023

“This June will be provisionally the hottest June on record for Ireland and we are likely to have our first 16+°C average June temperature ever, being head and shoulders above all other June averages," Met Éireann climatologist Dr. Sandra Spillane said on Friday, June 30.

June 2023 was the eighth consecutive June above normal, as well as the sixth consecutive month above normal.

Met Éireann Climatologist Paul Moore said the record-breaking weather was part of a warm weather trend in recent years. 

"Although temperatures have fallen in recent days, they will not prevent this June’s record-breaking situation," Moore said.

"This year’s particularly warm June is part of an observed warming trend and our research shows that this trend will continue. Our recently published TRANSLATE project provides a reminder that right across society we need to understand and plan for a changing climate.

"An average monthly temperature of greater than 16°C has been seen in July and August but never before in June. June 2023 was well above normal due to persistent warm days and nights." 

Met Éireann researcher Dr. Pádraig Flattery stated that climate change makes record-breaking temperatures more likely. 

"As climate change continues, we can expect further records to be broken and more frequent and extreme weather events. A warmer atmosphere can hold more moisture (about 7% for every 1°C of warming) and warmer waters, in turn, provide more energy for storms and can contribute to extreme rainfall events," Flattery said. 

Over the past two weeks of June, Ireland saw nine days of intense thunderstorm activity, including heavy rainfall, thunder, lightning, and, at times, hail.