Irish Facebook users may have input into budget cuts, the Department of Finance has suggested.
The Government are taking a lead from David Cameron’s Liberal-Conservative administration who are using Facebook as a forum to received ideas from their voters.
The Irish Government seems willing to try any tack as they are desperately trying to find another $3.77 billion to cut from the Irish budget.
A spokesperson for the Minister for Finance, Brian Lenihan, said "We are aware of what the British Treasury is doing.
"It could become the minister’s pet project, but we have no plans to follow suit at the moment — but you can never rule anything out.”
If the plans go ahead Irish users will be able to register their ideas by accessing the “spending challenge channel” on Facebook. British ministers are also suggesting road shows to discuss ideas with the public.
David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, is looking forward to putting this plan into process in Britain.
He said “We are really excited about having Facebook involved in the spending challenge. There’s enormous civic spirit where people want to take control and do things in a different way. We are giving people an opportunity with Facebook and I am sure that they will take it.”
The Irish Labour Party’s finance spokesperson, Joan Burton, said “It would certainly get more people engaged in the political process and a lot of people out there have a good hands on knowledge of how things work and would be able to suggest where to get rid of things like top heavy administration so money can be diverted to frontline services and away from red tape.
"This Government is so clueless when it comes to the economy any outside help would be welcome."
So far the British government have received 60,000 responses over the last three weeks. Some of the suggestion for making cuts include merging back-office services for public sector organizations, renegotiating government IT contracts and switching off office computers over the weekend.