Up to 80 Irish trainee pilots have been stranded in Florida after their flying school ran into financial difficulties.
Ireland’s Aviation Authority is assisting the students, many of whom paid over $120,000 for their course.
The Irish pilots have been told that their course, organised via the Waterford based Pilot Training Centre of Ireland, will not be continuing.
Irish state broadcaster RTE reports that the Florida Institute of Technology Aviation has told the students that they will not be allowed into the air again.
The station is also saying that FIT’s contract with the training centre has been terminated.
The Irish Aviation Authority has issued a statement saying it is aware of certain difficulties with the Florida Pilot Training College.
It has also sent an officer to Florida to brief the students and to explore the possibility of allowing the students to continue their training in Florida or back in Ireland.
The statement said: “The IAA will endeavour to facilitate the crediting of all flight and ground training carried out so far in Florida towards qualifications.”