Seventeen-year-old model Paris Brosnan made a truly inspiring video for his generation ahead of the Midterm Elections 2018. Good on him!

Well, the midterm elections are over, thankfully, and though the Irish Voice went to press well before the results streamed in, don’t be surprised if in the future if you see Pierce Brosnan’s son Paris on a ballot somewhere.

The fine looking 17-year-old made a video encouraging young people to vote and told People magazine that he’s not ruling out a political future.

Read more: Pierce Brosnan shares adorable 25-year reunion with Mrs Doubtfire kids

“I really want to be a filmmaker and make documentaries but I could maybe see that path down the road,” he says. “I think you need to be really passionate to want to do that.”

Paris spent part of last summer as an intern for Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey on Capitol Hill, who his elder brother Dylan also worked for in 2014.  The experience prompted him to make the video that featured a bunch of his friends speaking about the issues that matter most to them.

Paris is also a sought-after runway model for the likes of Dolce & Gabbana, so lucky him for having a number of career choices as options.

Read more: Who is Pierce Brosnan’s son, Ireland’s first supermodel?