Water is now way more expensive than Guinness in the traditional Dublin pub with soft drinks leading the price table.

A new survey conducted by Fine Gael senator Catherine Noone has highlighted the pricing discrepancy.

Mineral water now coasts an average $12.40 a litre in the Irish pub compared to $10.41 for Guinness and $11.40 for brand name beers.


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Soft drinks – or minerals as they are known as in Ireland – are the most expensive of all coming in at $17.60 a litre on average.

Senator Noone conducted her survey in a hundred pubs in the Irish capital at a time when the Irish government is trying to implement an alcohol awareness programme.

“This survey shows it’s actually more expensive to spend your night sipping on water or soft drinks instead of beer or stout. How can this make sense?” said Senator Noone.

“This isn’t just about encouraging people to drink sensibly. It’s also about the fact that punters are clearly being ripped off.”