Joe and Claire Collins were found dead at their home last Thursday. An Garda Síochána

The joint funeral of Claire Collins and Joe Collins, the Irish couple who died in a suspected murder-suicide last week, has taken place in Co Clare. 

The joint funeral service for took place at St. Brigid's Church in Corofin, Co Clare on Monday morning and was followed by a cremation service at Shannon Crematorium. 

During the Mass, Claire's mother Angela presented a book that symbolized the couple's "shared love of reading." Joe's cycling helmet was also presented, as was a picture of the couple's dog Buddy, and a family photo. A hat belonging to their baby grandson Rian was also presented.

The congregation heard that the local community had been "plunged into turbulence" in the wake of the deaths.

At the end of the Mass, the couple's adult daughter Sara read a poem she wrote, which said in part: "We miss you both today, we'll miss you both tomorrow. Nothing can be done to end our pain and sorrow."

Tearfully, she continued: “If we could bring you back, we would hug you both forever. Even though we can’t, we will love you more than ever."

She added: "Mum and Dad, we love you. We want you both to know – it was always so easy to be just us four, but it is so, so hard to let you go.”

Joe's brother Brian also addressed the congregation where he said he and the family "will be eternally thankful for the enormous outpouring of goodwill and support we have received."

Brian said that throughout Joe and Claire's marriage, "there was happiness, there was fun, and there was love."

He remarked that "pride and joy was bursting out of them" upon the birth of their first grandchild, Rian.

"They were two good, hardworking people who we loved so much, and that is how we will remember them," Brian said.

Gardaí said on Thursday, November 9 that they were called to a domestic residence in Killinaboy at approximately 2:30 pm where a man and a woman aged in their 50s, who are known to each other, were found deceased.

According to RTÉ, the alarm was raised by a family friend on Thursday. The body of a man was found outside the bungalow, while the body of a woman was discovered in the house.

The scene was preserved for an examination by the Garda National Technical Bureau, Gardaí said.

A Family Liaison Officer was appointed to the family of the deceased, while a Senior Investigating Officer was appointed and an Incident Room was established at Ennis Garda Station.

On Friday, Gardaí confirmed that the bodies had been removed from the scene and conveyed to the morgue at University Hospital Limerick.

Post-mortem examinations were performed by Assistant State Pathologist Dr. Margot Bolster on Friday; results are not being released for operational reasons.

Gardaí said on Friday evening that their primary focus at the time was the preparation of a file for the Coroner. They also said they were not looking for any other individual in relation to this incident.

Gardaí in Co Clare continued to appeal to anyone who may have information to contact them. Anyone with information is asked to contact Ennis Garda Station on 065 684 8100 the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111, or any Garda station.

The Sunday World reports that Gardaí believe Joe murdered Claire before dying by suicide in a shed on the property.

Joe and Claire Collins are survived by their daughters Tara and Sara, their grandson Rian, Sara's partner Michael, Claire's parents Angela and Pat, her brothers Paul and Ronnie, Joe's mother Kathleen, his brothers Michael, Pat, and Brian, and his sister Mina.