In the wake of Storm Éowyn's devastating impact, the community of Connemara, County Galway, has united to support Maureen Folan, a widow whose home was destroyed by the storm. Maureen Folan, known for her warmth and generosity, has been a beloved figure in her community, often offering hospitality and kindness to neighbors and friends.

Storm Éowyn wreaked havoc on Maureen Folan's family home, in Carna, Connemara, completely tearing off the roof and scattering her belongings across nearby fields. The structural damage rendered the house uninhabitable, leaving Maureen without a place to call home. Compounding the tragedy, insurance coverage is unavailable to assist with the rebuilding costs.

Speaking to RTE radio Folan said, "The house is ruined, there’s nothing left except the four walls."

Folan lost her husband 42 years ago due to a motorbike accident, just after the arrival of their son. Thankfully, Folan was staying with her son during the duration of the storm and was shocked to return to her home and see the extent of the damage to her family home. 

Maureen Folan.

Maureen Folan.

She told RTE "I didn’t have insurance.

"Being a widow, I didn’t have that much extra money to get anything."

She said members of parliament and local politicians have pledged to help her. 

"They couldn’t believe," she said.

"One politician said it’s like something you see in Florida after a hurricane.

"It definitely had to be some sort of a tornado to do such damage."

In response to the immense destruction, friends, family, and community members launched a GoFundMe campaign titled "Rebuilding a home - Maureen Folan (McDonagh)" to raise funds for the reconstruction.

The campaign emphasizes that 100% of the donations will go directly to Maureen, covering expenses such as temporary housing, reconstruction, essential supplies, and the replacement of lost or damaged belongings.

The fundraisers encourage those unable to donate to share the campaign within their networks, highlighting the Irish proverb, "Ní neart go cur le chéile" ("There’s no strength without unity"), to underscore the power of collective effort.

Visit the fundraising page on GoFundMe here.