If the Nazi invasion of Britain had been successful, Ireland would have been invaded, it has been revealed.
Details of the Irish invasion were recently released by the National Archives in Britain.
The just-published MI5 file shows that Ireland was definitely targeted for a Nazi landing if the German Air Force, the Luftwaffe, had won the Battle of Britain.
The plan, which would have involved the main landing of German shock troops at Dover, was called off when the Royal Air Force defeated the German air onslaught.
Ireland's inclusion is revealed in a post-war debriefing of a German soldier, Cpl Werner Janowski, who worked for the German intelligence service, the Abwehr.
"Janowski states that it was planned that landings would be attempted at several points along the English coast, in Scotland and in southern Ireland but the main attack would be centred around the Dover area," according to the file.
The file also revealed that German shock troops wearing Allied uniforms would make the initial landings in Dover and Ireland and hold key locations before the main invasion force arrived across the channel.