The families of 11 people killed by the British Army in Ballymurphy in 1971 have asked for a new inquest into the murders.
The victim's families in conjunction with political party Sinn Fein have asked the Attorney General, under the Coroners Act, to open a new inquest because new material has become available about the massacre.
Among those who died included a mother of eight and a Catholic priest.
New evidence obtained by the families include eyewitness statements, archives from the church and inquest verdicts.
Accounts from the Church include a "serving member of the British army, a member of the British Navy who returned to his ship shortly after the shootings, and an ex-Irish Guardsman".
In the past, the British Army have claimed they opened fire after being shot at by republicans during the army's Operation Demetrius.
Operation Demetrius (or internment as it is more commonly known) was launched by the British Army and Royal Ulster Constabulary and involved arresting and interning (without trial) people accused of being paramilitary members.
Sinn Fein leader, Gerry Adams, full supports the new inquest.
The inquest is also supported by Bishop Noel Treanor of Co. Down.
