IRIS Robison, the politician wife of Northern Ireland's new First Minister Peter Robinson, made international headlines last week by offering to put gay people in touch with a born-again psychiatrist who could turn them heterosexual.Robinson, who is a member of the British Parliament herself, launched her unexpected attack on homosexuality on a live radio phone in show on the first day of her husband's new appointment as first minister, completely overshadowing his media coverage in the process.On the BBC's Nolan Show Mrs. Robinson described homosexuality as "disgusting, nauseous, loathsome, shamefully wicked and vile," and added that her strong Christian upbringing meant she would never change her views and that nothing would stop her from speaking out on the issue.She decided to make her controversial comments just hours after a well publicized gay bashing where Stephen Scott, a 27-year-old gay man was beaten up by three men near his home in Newtownabbey and left with life threatening injuries.Scott told the press he thought he was going to die in the attack after which he was left lying unconscious on the roadside. "There were three of them against me and I was left for dead," he told the press.Mrs. Robinson refused an on-air invitation from David McCartney of the Rainbow Project to meet with her gay and lesbian constituents to find out more about the problems and prejudices that they face in their lives. "I don't need to put my hand in the fire to know I'll get burned," she replied."I have a lovely psychiatrist who works with me and who tries to help homosexuals turn away from what they are engaged in. He is a born again Christian and has links all over the world, and I have met people who have been turned around to become heterosexual and who have gone on to get married and raise families."Michael King from the Royal Society of Psychiatrists said there was no evidence people could obtain psychiatric help to stop them being gay. He said such treatment was potentially harmful.King added, "There is a lot of evidence going back 50 years to suggest that attempts to change people's sexuality in either direction are not possible. Such treatments do not work and can actually cause quite a lot of harm. Homosexuality is a state and a sexual orientation and is not a question of behavior."On the day she made her comments Andrew Muir, the vice chair of the Gay and Lesbian Across County Down group, visited his local Bangor Police Station to report Mrs. Robinson for stirring up hatred and arousing fear as a result of her comments earlier that day on the radio.In New York City, Council Speaker Christine Quinn, who is openly gay and who has worked tirelessly to promote the peace process and investment in Northern Ireland, told the Irish Voice, "It is truly sad that such hateful, biased speech still permeates our society. It's particularly troubling when such speech comes from leaders of the public."Sean Cahill, the New York-based Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) managing director of public policy and Irish language activist echoed Quinn's sentiments."Her comments are disturbing and absurd. According to Leviticus, the apparent source of Robinson's comment, the fact that Iris's husband Peter shaves is as abominable as homosexuality. So is the ham and cheese sandwich I had for lunch," he said."The fact that Iris Robinson feels compelled to denounce homosexuality while ignoring her husband's facial hair regimen shows the absurd and arbitrary nature of Bible-based antigay bias. "That said, I defend Robinson's right to make this comment. In free societies, people have the right to make inappropriate statements. The fact that people have reported Robinson's comment to the police is as disturbing as Robinson's original statement."Speaking on air last week Mrs. Robinson added, "I think at the moment there is a witch hunt to curb or actually stop or prevent Christians speaking out and I make no apology for what I said because it's the word of God."Robinson's husband is in charge of protecting equality for gay people in Northern Ireland, an irony that has incensed gay activists there.