Peter Casey is the man of the moment in Ireland.
The 61-year-old former Atlanta-based millionaire confounded the critics when he ran a right-wing campaign for Irish president and won 23 percent of the vote. The future looks bright.
He says he could become the next president or even Prime Minister of Ireland and suddenly no one is laughing. Over 340,000 votes will do that.
Meanwhile back in his former home in Atlanta, Peter is still on the list of Irish Americans who receive invitations to Irish events.
This invitation sent to the list is to meet Gerry Adams at the Cherokee CLub in Atlanta on Tuesday, November 6, and it comes from Kevin Quirk of the Friendly Sons of Atlanta.
Read more: What next for Peter Casey new Irish political star and right-wing populist?

Gerry Adams. Image:
It reads in part, ”I would like to offer you and your list the opportunity to meet one of the Architects of the GFA, Gerry Adams. Gerry will be visiting Atlanta for a full agenda of activities capped off with a nice dinner at Cherokee Town Club. I apologize in advance if some of your list have already received this information as a bunch are already attending. I hope you can make it! Below is a link to register.”
To which Peter Casey replied, “I have absolutely no desire to meet Gerry Adams. Would rather have my ingrown toenail removed, without anesthesia. Please remove me from your list as well. Hope your event is a total flop!”
Could this be the same Peter Casey who held a reception for Martin McGuinness at his home in Atlanta a few years back and lauded him and Sinn Féin from a height?
Read more: WATCH: The Gerry Adams ‘Negotiators Cookbook’ launch video is something to behold

Martin McGuinness. Image:
Is it the same Peter Casey who talked about marching on Bloody Sunday in Derry and being best friends with the brother of Martin McGuinness?
The one who said, ‘I’m not just a nationalist at heart, I am a nationalist and a Republican with all of my being. I believe that, in my lifetime, we will have a united Ireland. It may even happen by default: Brexit will open a lot of backdoors.”
The man who took an aggressive stance on a no Brexit hard border: “There won’t ever be a hard border again. I’m not sure there ever really was one. I mean, the Gardaí, the B Specials, the RUC and 50,000 British soldiers couldn’t enforce it, so it’s not going to happen now.”
So it seems passing strange he would react so critically to an invitation to dine with Gerry Adams in such angry terms.
At least we know he will not be joining Sinn Féin, I guess.
What do you make of his reaction? Let us know in the comments section, below.