Irish landlords have hit rock bottom.RollingNews

Dublin's rental market is now the worst in the world. Period. Forget New York, Tokyo or London.

Irish landlords have now capably demonstrated that they will come second to none when it comes to asking inflated asking prices for unspeakable holes.

But in their greed and opportunism they are making a holy show of Dublin and Ireland to the entire world. Prostitution and poverty once saw Dublin nicknamed Strumpet City. Now Irish landlords are threatening to christen it Downtown Dystopia.

George Bernard Shaw once wrote: “Put an Irishman on the spit and you can always get another Irishman to turn him.” Toss a mattress into a hallway and you can always find an Irish landlord to put it on the rental market.

I mean just take a look at this dubious palace, which someone with a functioning neurological system had the neck to list, knowing they could ask any price for a kip because they're offering it to the the worst rental market in Europe.

Just look at the half sized entrance door to this one bedroom hallway. Where did they even find a store that specializes in the fairy doors for half sized people that we see in the picture? Trust Irish landlords to know where to shop for one of those.

Dublin Flat 1

And how much are they asking for this postage stamp, this cynically monetized hallway, in des res Ranelagh? Why 750 Euro a month. A steal. Just don't imagine you'll be swinging cats much. Nor will your Casanova moves be any use to you on that long board they are humorously calling a bed.

Actually, Irish coffin ships offered about as much space to fleeing emigrants during the Great Hunger. Perhaps you will learn to commune with your exploited Irish ancestors as you try to do anything that walk sideways like a crustacean along this galley that they are calling an apartment.

Think of how you will relax in the chair in the picture, your knees coming into contact with your other wall. Won't that be cosy? A hundred thousand welcomes, my eye.

Dublin Flat 2

Dublin Flat 3

The listing, which should enter a hall of fame for dodgy doss houses, mentions an electric shower (what an innovation, water and electricity, what could go wrong?) and a washer dryer unit to lull you into sleep as the rinse cycle gently agitates your bed and you reconsider the life choices that led you to this door. Lucky you.

Do you know someone renting in Dublin? How much do they pay? Is it worth it? Let us know it worth it? Let us know in the comments section below.