Counseling services across Ireland are bracing themselves for a surge of calls by survivors of clerical abuse as today marks the first anniversary of the controversial Ryan Report.
The Ryan Report revealed that there was widespread clerical abuse within the Catholic church in Ireland. The Report also reveled that the abuse was systematically covered up by officials in both the state and the church.
Thousands of children were sexually abused and physically beaten by priests while in state care.
Victims of clerical abuse in Ireland are commonly called "survivors of clerical abuse" because many victims committed suicide due to the fact that neither the police nor the hierarchy within the church would believe or act against claims of clerical abuse.
The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre and Health Service Executive (HSE) said that they are expecting a surge of calls over the next few days from victims of clerical abuse.
Director of the Aislinn Education & Support Centre and a survivor of clerical abuse, Christine Buckley, said that May 20 will always be a memorable date for her.
"It took 25 years and one day for us to be believed and vindicated," said Buckley.
"But now we want the implementation of Judge Ryan's recommendations.
"There is no point spending million on a report or having an inquiry if you do not take positive steps to make sure that these atrocities are not repeated."
Eight other child protection organizations have joined to form the Saving Childhood Ryan campaign, which will examine and monitor the Governments implementation of the Ryan Report Implementation Plan.
The campaign consists of organizations such as Barnardos, CARI, Children's Rights Alliance, Irish Association of Young People in Care, ISPCC, One in Four, Rape Crisis Network of Ireland and Dublin Rape Crisis Centre.
