Stephen Termini (center) and his sons Michael and Jesse Rizzuto.GoFundMe

Stephen Termini, who was attacked on Talbot Street in Dublin and remains in a coma, has suffered life-changing injuries and it's expected that he will lose his eye. His family is attempting to raise funds so they can travel to Ireland to be at his side. 

Stephen Termini (57) was on vacation in Ireland, searching for information on his ancestors, when he was attacked on Talbot Street on the night of Wednesday, July 19.

Termini remains in a coma at Dublin's Beaumont Hospital and his son, Michael Rizzuto, in Buffalo, New York has set up a GoFundMe campaign with the aim of traveling to Ireland to be with his father. 

Rizzuto posted family photo of himself, his father and brother Jesse to GoFundMe. He said that he had been on tour with his band, Kissing Candice, when he heard the news about the "unprovoked attack" on his father. 

He wrote: "The brutal attack has left my father in a coma after suffering various injuries. He is currently in critical condition with what I am told are life-altering injuries.

"I am receiving news of this situation as it comes in through the media alongside everyone else."

The New York musician continued: "My father instilled the love of music I have inside of me and has been a huge support to me over the past decade. Although we may have not been the closest throughout the years he is still my father and the reason I am here today.

"I am asking for you to send healing vibes to my father while my family and I attempt to learn more facts of the situation."

So far, the GoFundMe page has raised over $1k of their $10,000 goal.

Termini's sister Michelle wrote "We feel so very helpless as none of us can afford the trip to be with him in his time of dire need. I understand that he may lose one of his eyes and suffer lifelong disability from this unfortunate incident. Thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers."

Gardaí (Irish police) are following a number of "significant lines of inquiry". Police believe three youths were centrally involved in the attack and that they were part of a larger group that was present, the Irish Independent reports. 

On Wednesday night (July 19) Termini was attacked just yards away from the Street Street police station.  He was kicked and punched in the head and suffered serious injuries to his eye and head.

Police have reviewed CCTV and spoken with witnesses. While one of the attackers has been identified as a 14-year-old youth from Dublin city center, the other two suspects are yet to be identified.  Police are expected to make arrests soon. 

It is believed that these three suspects are part of a larger group of about 20 local youths who have been "going around assaulting people” in recent months and that they “are out of control”.

Sinn Féin defense spokesperson, Matt Carthy, said “I think many people have come to the realization that Dublin city center has become a national embarrassment.

“That isn’t the fault of the people who live there.

“It’s the fault of successive governments and particularly the Fine Gael government over the past 12 years,” he said.

“We’ve seen Dublin city center become dangerous, derelict and lockdown.

“And it’s something that is a cause of huge frustration and embarrassment to Irish people.

Social Democrats politician, Gary Gannon, described the Government’s response to addressing crime in north inner city Dublin as “pathetic”.

“It was only last Tuesday in the Dáil, I asked the Justice Minister Helen McEntee what she was doing to make the city center safer.

“Her response was to point to a community safety partnership plan that has been discussed for two years, and not put a single extra garda on the street,” he said.

He added “It’s a cruel joke that they refer to themselves as a party of law and order while the city is in the condition that it is."

Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information in relation to this incident, or who may have video footage, to contact Store Street garda station on 01 666 8000, the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111 or any garda station.

Visit Stephen Termini's GoFundMe page here.