Stephen Termini with his sons Mike Rizzuto (left) and Jesse Rizzuto (right). Mike Rizzuto Facebook

The family of a US tourist who suffered life-changing injuries after being attacked by a gang of youths in Dublin has arrived in Ireland to be at his side in hospital. 

Stephen Termini, 57, suffered serious head injuries after being attacked on Talbot Street on Wednesday, July 19. 

Termini's sons Mike and Jesse Rizzuto landed at Dublin Airport before traveling directly to Beaumont Hospital, where Termini has been receiving care since the attack. 

Jesse Rizzuto said in a post on Facebook that he remains "hopeful" about his father's condition after visiting him in Beaumont. 

"We got to see our father for a bit today, I don’t want to say much more on that topic because it’s day by day but the both of us remain hopeful," Jesse Rizzuto said on Facebook. 

"The people of Ireland have been incredibly supportive and have been trying to help us every step of the way, and we truly could not be more grateful for these people doing everything they can for us, it truly is making this entire process easier and again we could not be more grateful to everyone here." 

RTÉ News reports that a Garda liaison is offering assistance to Termini's two sons.

Meanwhile, Minister for Justice Helen McEntee said she is willing to meet Termini's sons if they wish to do so. 

Termini's family has raised more than $120,000 on GoFundMe to cover the cost of Termini's care and to fly his two sons over to Ireland to be with him. 

In a post on GoFundMe, his sister Michelle revealed that Termini may lose one of his eyes and suffer life-long disabilities as a result of the injuries sustained in the attack. 

She also said he had been saving every penny to fund a trip to Ireland to trace his Irish heritage.

Three teens have been charged in connection with assault causing harm in connection with the attack on Termini.