A New York Times investigative article into my 12-year-old nephew’s death
As many of our readers are aware my beloved nephew Rory Staunton passed away in NYU hospital from Toxic Shock Syndrome on April 1st...READ MORE
Urban Outfitter's JFK Playboy merchandise slammed by Kennedy museum
A new line of JFKmerchandise sold by retail giant Urban Outfitters has been slammed by the Massachusetts Kennedy foundation...READ MORE
Top baby names in Ireland for 2011 revealed - Jack and Emily win out over the more traditional
The most popular baby names in Ireland have been released, with Jack once again holding the top position for the most trendy boys name. For baby girls, Emily secured the number one spot for the first time...READ MORE
Sidewalks: Will the real GOP stand up? Republican’s stance on immigration is vexing
A few weeks back, when an Irish-born journalist (and we use that term loosely) named Neil Munro heckled President Obama’s immigration policy during a press conference, many people pointed out the obvious irony...READ MORE
Animal rights call for boycott of Belfast and the Olympics after Lennox’s execution
Following Belfast City Council’s actions, putting down the celebrity dog Lennox, there has been an outpour of public grief with one animal rights group calling for a tourism boycott of Belfast, while another group is calling for a boycott of London’s 2012 Olympics...READ MORE