Here's our top read stories in Irish news today:
Top read story in news from Ireland
Ireland’s Central Bank has launched two new collectors coins to commemorate the 90th anniversary of Michael Collins' death and demand has been extraordinary...READ MORE
American football played by women in their underwear set for Dublin - VIDEO
Move over Notre Dame and get ready Dublin, the Lingerie Football League is coming your way...READ MORE
Irish among hundreds of thousands of undocumented applying to stay legally
Undocumented immigrants, who were brought to the US as children, began applying for a deportation deferral action and a two-year work permit on Wednesday...READ MORE
Ireland battered by worst storm in 26 years - Atlantic winds and rains slam ashore - VIDEOS
Ireland has been slammed by hurricane strength wind and rain in what is being described as the worst storm in 26 years. Meteorological experts are comparing conditions to Hurricane Charlie, which hit Dublin City in 1986...READ MORE
Manhattan Diary: Vote for Paul Ryan? That’s rich! Romney VP pick most extreme candidate ever to run
Here they come, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Two grinning robots that want to take your money. And some of you are even going to vote for them...READ MORE