Today's top Irish news stories:
Irish university suspends Legion of Mary for anti-gay literature
One of Ireland’s leading universities, The National University of Ireland, Galway, has suspended the religious, student-based society, The Legion of Mary...READ MORE
Top ten worst ever Irish Christmas gifts, even Santa would take a pass
Christmas is a time for good cheer. But it's also a time for manufacturers to drag out their silliest gift items in hopes that desperate shoppers will snap them up for holiday giving...READ MORE
4,000 Irish social welfare letters encourage young people to emigrate
Ireland’s department of Social Protection has sent 4,000 letters to young people urging that they move abroad to find employment...READ MORE
Address by Nelson Mandela to Joint Houses of Irish parliament in 1990
It is with a feeling of great privilege that we stand here today to address this house. We know that the invitation you extended to us to speak from this podium is one that is rarely extended to a visitor, even one who comes to you as the guest of the head of Government...READ MORE
30,000 lose power in the north as storms batter Ireland, Britain
An early December storm pounded the northwest of Ireland, with high winds and heavy rain leaving thousands of homes without power across Northern ireland and in Donegal, Dublin and Meath...READ MORE