Today’s top Irish news stories:

Pierce Brosnan mourns death of beloved daughter Charlotte at just 42

Actor Pierce Brosnan has paid tribute to his daughter Charlotte after she died of the same cancer which claimed his first wife Cassandra…READ MORE


Edward Snowden applies to Ireland for asylum in bid to escape U.S. authorities - POLL

U.S. whistle-blower Edward J. Snowden has applied for asylum in Ireland according to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks…READ MORE


Milwaukee documents show Archbishop Timothy Dolan sought to hide money from sexual abuse claims - VIDEO

Documents released yesterday in Milwaukee show that then Archbishop Timothy Dolan suggested transferring $59 million to a cemetery trust fund in 2007 to protect it from the claims of victims of sexual abuse by local priests…READ MORE


Sarah Palin compares Marco Rubio to Judas over immigration reform stance

Sarah Palin is mad as hell about the prospect of an immigration reform bill and she's taken to Twitter to say so…READ MORE


Five serious racist incidents reported in Ireland each week

Racism is on the rise according to the Immigrant Council of Ireland. Reports of discriminatory behaviors including verbal harassments and attacks on homes have gone up by at least five times since last year. “Most incidents happened at work, on the internet or while accessing official services, and mainly involved people from Africa,” relates the Irish Independent…READ MORE