Top Irish news stories:
Irish journalist who brought down Lance Armstrong is vindicated at last
Lance Armstrong has apparently confessed his dope use and has made a public apology in an interview with talk show host Oprah Winfrey, but this confession comes after Irish journalist David Walsh spent 13 years working to expose the world’s greatest cyclist’s drug use...READ MORE
‘America’s most wanted pedophile’ free after British judge questions U.S. justice
An Irish American sex offender has been spared extradition to the United States by a British judge who has no faith in the US judicial system...READ MORE
Niall O'Dowd: A window on my past in an old just discovered video
The past reaches out at the most unlikely times.
My brother Fergus, a Minister of State in the Irish government, was recently researching the history of the Fleadh Cheoil, (pronounced Flah Keoil) the annual massive traditional music festival held in different towns throughout Ireland with a view to attracting it to Drogheda, the town he represents...READ MORE
It was all going so well wasn’t it? The power-sharing executive had not only succeeded in running the full term but also being re-elected with a strengthened mandate...READ MORE
Chinese tourists vote for Ireland on the double ahead of The Gathering festivities
Ireland has received another major boost as The Gathering festival gathers force – this time from China.
A Shanghai newspaper has voted Ireland as the ‘most popular’ destination for 2012 and urged readers to visit in 2013...READ MORE