Here's the top Irish news stories on IrishCentral today:

Top blog story:

John Spain: Ireland is no country for young men or women anymore

One of the worst aspects of the financial crisis in Ireland is the way it has impacted on young people disproportionately.

By young people, I mean not just those still in college, but those in their twenties and thirties, and even forties...READ MORE


First ever Great Hunger museum opens next month in the US

The crisis moment in our collective history, the year zero through which our past and our present must always travel, is 1847.

Now Quinnipiac University in Hamden Connecticut is set to unveil the first Great Hunger museum which shows the history of that terrible era through art and artifacts...READ MORE


Couple sue Fox for losing $580,000 jackpot on game show despite answering correctly

The question, what is the most common computer password has three main answers, and according to whom you ask, they're all right.

If you replied A) Password or B) 123456 or even C) I Love You, you would certainly find plenty of backers to say you were correct. ..READ MORE


Top ten words Irish women say to their men - and what they’re really saying

Here is a look at some choice phrase from Irish women to help you decode the true meaning of their mutterings. Most of these words ring true to your average female, but for a few we have offered an Irish twist. If you want to keep that special Irish lady happy, consult these explanations...READ MORE


Mystery man caught on CCTV footage sought in Jill Meagher’s disappearance - VIDEOS

Australian police are seeking a mystery man seen talking to Irish emigrant Jill Meagher shortly before she disappeared in the early hours of Saturday last in a Melbourne suburb. She left the pub to walk home to her nearby apartment...READ MORE
