Matthew Campbell and fiancee Robyn Newberry

Matthew Campbell died while working during Storm Ali

Belfast man Matthew Campbell, 24, died tragically on Wednesday during Storm Ali. Campbell was due to be wed next August and had only recently sent out save-the-date cards.

Robert Matthew Campbell was working as an electrical contractor with NI Water at Slieve Gullion Park in Newry, Co Armagh when he was struck by part of a falling tree during Storm Ali’s fierce winds.

Read More: Storm Ali's extreme weather left its mark on Ireland

In a statement, Campbell’s family confirmed they had “lost our beautiful son.”

“The extended family of ours and his fiancee Robyn Newberry are all in shock and still in disbelief.”

“We are so proud of Matt and all he achieved in his short life. We all love you son and you made us very proud. ‘Til we meet again.”

Campbell was due to be wed to his fiancee Robyn Newberry in August of next year. The two had recently sent out their save-the-date cards, and Newberry was set to place a deposit on her wedding gown this week.

Speaking with The Independent, Newberry said, "I first realized that something was wrong when I tried to ring Matt around lunchtime and it kept going to the answering machine, which wasn't like him. I tried calling him six times and there was no answer.

"It wasn't until I was leaving work that a police officer came to my workplace and told me there had been an accident and Matt hadn't survived. I thought it was a joke, that he was just lying.

"We are just devastated - it doesn't seem real."

The formal notice of Campbell’s death said, “Always loved and remembered by all the family circle. So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide.”

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”

Read More: Ireland under “Orange” weather alert as Storm Ali strikes

The family of Matthew Campbell has requested that those attending his funeral services wear bright colors.

Sara Venning, CEO of NI Water which Campbell was working with, said: “Our deepest sympathy goes out to the family and friends of this young man.”

“This was a tragic incident and NI Water will continue to work with the statutory authorities and the contractor as they carry out their investigations.”

Storm Ali had another victim, Elvira Ferraii, a Swiss tourist who was visiting Galway. The caravan she was asleep in toppled over the side of a cliff on Wednesday.