Members of Migrant's Rights Centre Ireland partake in a march against the Housing Crisis in

"This Is My Life: Growing up undocumented in Ireland" is an emotive watch. 

The short film was made by a group of young Dubliners, who wanted to shine a light on how their status affects every part of their lives, from home and work to school.

A narrator shares the story of someone who is aware that it ultimately doesn't matter what grades they get in school, they will not be able to go to college. 

"What's the point of making this my first choice, when in reality I have no choice," the narrator says about choosing a potential route of study. "My principal knows my situation. There's nothing they can do."

The video also addresses the tentative work environment of the unnamed person, who is taken advantage of by their employers. 

Fear, secrecy, and uncertainty permeate the short film: "I want to feel safe in my home, not fear the knock on the door. I don't want to be sent away."

The narrator also points to examples of legislation in other countries, such as Luxembourg and Norway, which better serve undocumented children and teens.

In recent weeks, Ireland has taken a stand in support of community members, classmates, and neighbors who are undocumented.

However, last week the Irish Government rejected a bill that would give citizenship rights to children born in Ireland to non-national parents.

Read More: Should Irish-born children be allowed to become citizens despite parent's status?

A proposed Labour Party Bill would have given citizenship rights to Irish-born children after they lived in the country for more than three years - irrespective of these children's parent's status.

Minister for Justice Charlie Flanagan said the outlined proposals amounted to “bad law” but said he would also be “instituting a process of consultation on some of the issues raised.”

Read More: Irish diaspora envoy in Washington D.C to bag E3 visa for Ireland