Minister Charlie Fanagan with one of Ireland’s newest citizens, Ashly Sajithkumar (India), in September

The Irish Government is to open a three-month window for certain immigrants to apply for permission to stay in Ireland.

The decision comes after two separate Supreme Court cases which raised concerns about undocumented people living in Ireland.

According to RTE News, to qualify for the scheme, non-European Economic Area nationals must have held once held valid student permission from January 2005 to December 2010. The scheme is directed at individuals who have not obtained an alternative solution since their student permission ceased.

Correspondent Ingrid Miley reports that between now and January 2019, applicants (whom the Supreme Court refer to as "settled migrants") can apply for the new scheme.

The scheme will be life-changing for those considered undocumented after losing previous permission to remain in Ireland. Those successful in their application will be granted a "4S" stamp permitting them to live and work in the State for two years.

While successful applicants will not be entitled to bring family members to join them, the Department of Justice may take certain family circumstances "into consideration".

In order to gain the 4S stamp, applicants must have "at least" minimum English language skills (by the end of the two-year time frame) and must not engage in criminal activity. They must also reside continuously in the State, make every effort to gain employment, and not be an undue burden on the State.

Read More: Distressed and upset woman (73) refused Irish citizenship after living in Ireland for 70 years

Minister for Justice and Equality Charlie Flanagan outlined that after a probationary period of two years, those deemed eligible will have to apply for renewal.

All applicants must pay €700 ($810) upfront when submitting their applications. (€250 is non-refundable, while €450 will be refunded if the application fails.) Successful applicants issued with an initial two-year permission will then be charged a further €300 at that point - half the usual fee of €600.

Read more about the scheme here.