"Dancing with the Stars" contestants, actress Shannen Doherty and reality television star, Kate Gosselin (above with 'Baywatch' babe Pamela Anderson) are said to have clashed heads on the show this week.
Sources say Gosselin really peeved Doherty off when she told her “I used to watch "90210" when I was a little girl!”
The Star reports that Doherty was fuming and walked away in anger.
Gosselin, a mother of eight, is only three years younger than Gosselin.
It is believed that the show's producers were trying to keep the divas apart to minimize the drama.
They even, apparently, went as far as scheduling their rehearsals at different times so the ladies wouldn't need to have much contact with each other.
A source close to Doherty told the Star, “If Kate doesn’t watch out, Shannen will bring out her claws and go right after Kate.”
The strange thing is we would expect Doherty and Pamela Anderson - also on the show- to be feuding because both women were married to Rick Salomon.
But according to a source on the show the pair are getting on great.
“They get along. They’ve both moved on,” says a source.