The uncle of Irish American Siobhan Magnus has slammed the 'American Idol' judges for the way they have commented on his niece.
Alan Ware, co-founder of the Cape Cod based Ultrasonic Rock Orchestra says "She’s such a great singer. It is annoying when the judges go, ‘I didn’t think that was so great,’ ” said
He was especially mystified by the comments about Siobhan on last week’s Elvis Presley-themed night.
“What I got from that show was that (the contestants) were not giving performances and they were just singing,” he told the Bosotn Herald,
“Siobhan comes out every single week and puts on a show. I think that is what the audience is responding to. She’s performing and dressing up and playing to the camera and working the audience. That takes a lot of effort. I think she is doing a much better job in performing the songs than anybody else.”
Ware will be in the audience for tonight’s live show. He’s going despite the fact his wife Maura, sister to Magnus’ mother, recently had their fourth child.
Ware said family matters a great deal to Magnus.