If you're a Doctor Who fan, and I have no reason to suppose you're not, you'll know that one of the most anticipated episodes ever is about to come down the pike. David Tennant's final bow as the man from Gallifrey is almost here in Doctor Who: The End of Time, Parts One and Two.
Waters of Mars, the most recent of Doctor Who, brought in the largest audience in BBC America's history. 1.1 million viewers tuned in, the channel's biggest prime-time audience ever.Now what - as the Doctor often says - does that tell you?Number one, it tells me that most of you found your way here by Googling Doctor Who. Number two, it tells me I better ensure you don't leave here disappointed.
To help you get your Time Lord fix before the weekend I've picked a list of essential Doctor Who items from the BBC America Shop HERE and HERE and HERE.
For a gift for younger Doctor Who fans CLICK HERE