Brett Kavanaugh at his Supreme Court hearing. Getty

In the aftermath of the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court and the hearing on accusations of sexual assault made against him, we asked IrishCentral readers if they thought Democrats were just as guilty of sexism as Republicans.

The majority of IrishCentral readers believe that Democrats are hypocritical in their criticism of sexism and misogyny among Republicans. In total, 52% of voters believed them to be hypocritical while 42% said they were not hypocritical. Six percent of readers were unsure.

In total, 342 votes were cast in answer to the question “Are Democrats hypocritical in their criticism of sexism and misogyny among Republicans?” “Yes” votes amounted to 177 while 144 people voted “no.”

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“Glad Beto is humane enough to apologize for remarks made in the context of a negative review written about a play. The criticism was intended to highlight the sexist presentation of women,” said one voter.

“If Ted Cruz had said these exact same words, the left would be all over him,” added another.  

Do you agree with the poll results? Let us know in the comments section, below.

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