Do you cherish your Irish heritage and want to be part of a larger Irish American community? The AOH is the place for you.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) is one of the most comprehensive fraternal organizations in America. Open to Catholics of Irish birth or descent, the Hibernians embrace all things Irish. Founded in 1836 to protect the clergy and support Irish immigrants, today’s emphasis is drawn from the AOH Preamble, which begins with “the AOH is to promote Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity.”
If you cherish your Irish heritage and want to be part of a larger Irish American community, the AOH is the place for you. Members from around the country have found an organization that helps them learn about their culture and their roots in a welcoming social and fraternal context dedicated to Christian charity.
Hibernian Joe Casey said he joined the Order because he has “always loved and have been enchanted by [his] ‘Irish Roots.’” He says with the AOH he has “this large, extended family that will always be there for me and I for them.”
Chris Fulcher, a 23-year-old student at The Ohio State University, is a Folklore and English major.
“When I joined the Ancient Order of Hibernians, I got a family that I never asked for and I wouldn’t trade for anything. My Irish-Catholic heritage, the camaraderie, and being a part of something that is bigger than myself: this is why I’m a Hibernian.”

Chris Fulcher, a 23-year-old student at The Ohio State University and AOH member.
March is Irish American Heritage Month, and the AOH demonstrates there is so much more than marching in our local parades and enjoying our local celebrations of St. Patrick. Devin Ruic, of Virginia, joined the Order after meeting the Herbert-Cady Division at the Old Town Alexandria Irish Festival.
“The Brothers representing the Division welcomed me with open arms. With encouragement from my new-found Brothers, I found I come by my Irish ancestry honestly, with my mother claiming O’Donnell heritage and my father the heritage of Owen Rewick, who was born in Ireland in 1742 before immigrating to the United States.”
Ruic said that:
“Joining the AOH is an opportunity to meet with other Irish-American Catholics, learn more about the contributions Irish men and women have made to this country, and remain engaged in your local community through social and service projects. I joined the Hibernians for the simple reason that I knew my family was Irish, but I truly became a Hibernian because of the kindness, charity and friendship of my Brothers.”
Irish American Heritage month will feature Irish American profiles on the AOH website and Facebook pages. Enjoy a view of your Irish American heritage on WWW.AOH.COM and
Hibernians have a long history of defending the freedom to express their Catholic beliefs; it is for that reason the Hibernians are committed to support, without prejudice, the concept of free expression of religious practice, regardless of religion, for people in every corner of the world. As Hibernians, we bring our heritage and faith together.
Hibernian Danny Tryon explains that “over the last few years I have grown in my religion and I felt like this would be a great way to also learn more about my heritage. I don't come from a deep Irish Catholic background, but I know my grandmother was Irish and would often talk about her time living in Ireland as a child. Since joining I have enjoyed learning about Irish history. I also enjoy the social aspect of the group and all of the various activities that we participate in throughout the year.”
Scott Partika describes, “Hibernians in the U.S. are individuals very much committed to supporting our local communities across the country through civic participation. Built on our morals, shaped by the Catholic Church, Hibernians are expected to support those less fortunate than others through civic participation, by serving local food pantries, supporting homeless shelters, caring for the elderly, and supporting Irish and other immigrants.”
The organization encourages government leaders to not only protect the unborn, but support the growth and development of human life from the cradle to the grave. All life is precious to the AOH.
Begin an experience that will enhance your life through the foundation of the AOH motto: Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity. Awaken a pride within you in the Ancient Race of our fathers for our traditions, customs and for the Irish people. Serve others in your community and country. Join us, we are the Ancient Order of Hibernians in America - Irish, Catholic, American;