There are but hours left in 2021 - here are my wishes for the new year.
1. Donald Trump is indicted based on his taped call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger looking to steal the election by finding fake votes. It always seemed the most glaring example of attempted election theft to me, more than his actions during the January 6 riot which can be explained away, but a taped phone call cannot.
2. That every Republican who agreed with the plot to kill democracy -- i.e., Jim Jordan, Rick Perry -- all be revealed and forced to defend their seditious behavior in court.
3. British buffoon Boris Johnson is fully revealed for what he is -- a toy soldier, a pretend leader whose only ability is to lie successfully. For evidence, see Brexit, denial of Downing Street parties during Covid, and more.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. (Getty Images)
4. President Biden fires most of his communication team who have clearly failed to get the economic good news out on what is contained in Build Back Better. We also need to hear much more about the president’s achievements -- so far has delivered $3 trillion in Covid relief and infrastructure investment. He’s confirmed 40 federal judges. Delivered over 490 million Covid shots. Cut child poverty in half. Added six million jobs and, oh yes, presided over a record stock market and brought unemployment to just 4.2%
5. Senator Joe Manchin’s houseboat that he lives in sinks and Joe is last seen swimming to the Azores.
6. The Brexit breakup smashes the Tory Party in Britain leading to an election that Labour wins.
7. Dr. Anthony Fauci to finally declare victory over Covid as new drugs and treatments come on line and make all the difference.

Dr. Anthony Fauci.
8. That someone reveals the truth about how many Fox News anti-vaxxer hosts actually got the shots.
9. Rupert Murdoch finally turns on Donald Trump and the political bloodbath begins.
10. If number nine happens we see pigs flying over Peoria.
11. Cancel cancel culture. Enough already.
12. Kamala Harris shows some moxie as vice president or else lose her place on the ticket in 2024.
13. Someone in power ends the robocalls that ruin quiet weekends.
14. Brexit finally settled and sanity restored in European politics.
15. After a major Sinn Féin win in the May Northern Ireland Assembly elections, a date for a border poll is announced.

16. Mayo makes an early exit in the All-Ireland GAA football championship to spare their followers more final heartbreak.
17. Ireland finally gets a Covid-free summer to help rebuild its battered tourism industry.
18. Mike Pence’s courage in facing down Trump’s bullying to discard election results is recognized.
19. That Pope Francis, the pastor, continues to lead and prosper. He is slowly shutting down the voices of reaction in his church.
20. That "Belfast" wins Best Picture at the Oscars.
21. That I never hear the term “Zoom call” again.
22. That the Democrats hold the House and Senate in midterm elections.
Happy New Year!