April 10, 2024: Vice President Kamala Harris stands during a rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner at a State Arrival Ceremony for Prime Minister Kishida Fumio of Japan on the South Lawn of the White House.White House Flickr / Lawrence Jackson

Congressman Brendan Boyle made a very important point when he took part in the highly successful Irish Americans for Harris-Walz national organizing call on Tuesday night, which was attended by thousands virtually.

He pointed out that it is vital that Kamala Harris, if she is elected, plays a significant role in ensuring the future of the Good Friday Agreement, just as President Joe Biden has.

Some may think there will be little reason to worry as the Agreement is solid as a rock.

There is a clear danger of such a judgment.

Who could have suspected that successive British Prime Ministers would make every attempt possible to rewrite the provisions of the Good Friday Agreement and make it more favorable to Unionism?

At several key moments, the British almost succeed by using the Good Friday Agreement as a pawn in their Brexit negotiations with the Irish,

Unfortunately for them, one man, Joe Biden, stayed resolute in the gap and warned about the wrath of the United States if a single word was changed.

Scranton Joe, a pure Irish American, realized the danger and served notice accordingly.

In other words, Biden played a major role in seeing the Good Friday Agreement through a major crisis.

Harris has no such background in Irish affairs, which should be no surprise. But what if we encounter another attempt to undermine the most important legal document of this and the last generation?

So it is important that Irish Americans for Harris-Walz not behave as just a cheerleading arm of the Harris political steamroller and nothing more.

Likewise, the Irish need to insert themselves into the immigration issue. The Irish have been blocked from coming to America since the 1965 immigration act. Whatever coalition forms after the election if Harris wins, it needs to have an Irish component on the issue of immigration to the country they gave so much to.

In conclusion, there is nothing won yet, and Trump remains a huge obstacle. However, the sooner the Democratic party Irish reach out to the Harris campaign and help in whatever way they can, the better.